Ancient Greek History: From the Persian Wars to the Battle of Chaironeia

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th Semester
Course Category

Dr. Andronike Makres, Assistant Professor

Course Description

This course starts with the consequences of the victory of Greek and in particular Athenian forces in the Persian Wars upon the Greek world. The subjects to be examined are: a) the 1st Athenian League and the Athenian hegemony – state and civilization, b) the Spartan hegemony, c) the 4th century: changes in the correlation of power, d) the 2nd Athenian League, e) the rise of Thebes, f) the role of Persians in Greek affairs, g) the decline of Sparta, h) the financial and social circumstances in Greek cities, j) the political and cultural life outside Athens and Sparta, i) Philip II and the rise of Macedon.